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It must have rained alot more in northern Orange Co.  finally water in the
creeks.  The woods were as quiet as I haave ever heard them except for
woodpeckers but still weird.  Got to the pond which still has the Mute swan
leading me to think it is injured.  Anyone want one?  was beginning to get
disappointed about no grebes when up popped a piebilled grebe so fall is
here on the pond.  Also had an unknown warbler, perhaps Palm due to tail
wagging, an immature redheaded wp just like the Sibley illustration, YR
warbler, Phoebe, bluebirds in natural cavities, a turtle with the most
brilliant yellow on its neck.  My horse decided to be lazy and stood still
until I used the "squeaker" I was carrying, mostly scared him didn't
attract many birds.  Then saw a flock of 40-50 goldfinch on the way back. 
We were "lucky" apparently rained and stromed in Southern Pines all day. 
Hope to have more ducks after the front.  All birds in Northen Or. Co. I am
in Hillsborough. 
barb brooks  brooksba@mindsping.com 

--- Barbara Brooks
--- brooksba@mindspring.com
   Hillsborough, NC
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