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mystery(?) bird photo quiz

You just can?t tell what?s going to happen around here.

After my wife (Tricia) got to work today, she overhead some coworkers discussing a dead bird they had found on a sidewalk which had apparently (and unfortunately!) flown into a window.  

Tricia retrieved the specimen, but was puzzled as to which species the bird belonged.  She called me and gave me a verbal description, but it didn?t help. Out came the digital camera,  jpegs were emailed, and soon we were both looking at the same pictures.  

We are now 99.9% sure as to the species, but as always independent verification is appreciated.  We?d love to hear the species to which Carolinabirders think this poor bird belongs. (No, I?m not going to tell you what we think it is.)

The specimen was found this morning (Mon 10-7-02) in Henderson, NC.

Here are links to 2 photos (use all lower case):

You can respond to me privately if you wish, or share your ID with Carolinabirders --- I guess depending on your level of confidence!

I?ll share the results after I get enough to get enough to justify it.

Russ Tyndall
Wake Forest, NC