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great yard day

While I've been seeing lots of nice birds passing through my yard this fall, 
today was an extremely active day as far as variety of species goes.
Most of this list was seen in AM with the  exception of 2 Thrush species.
Not in order:
Ruby-throated Hummingbirds- juv. male/ female
Gray Catbird- new yard bird
Eastern Wood Peewee
Indigo Bunting- female or imm.
Scarlet Tanagers- many
Rose-breasted Grosbeaks- at least one of each- female, male, imm. male
Baltimore Oriole- very bright first fall male (had an adult male on 9/1/02)
Blue-headed Vireo
Vireo sp.-  only saw for few seconds, gray cap without dark gray border of 
red-eyed,           maybe Warbling?, had a small amount of yellow
Ruby-crowned Kinglet- first this fall
American Redstart
Palm Warbler
Bay-breasted Warbler- 1st fall male
Wood Thrush- many
Swainson's Thrush
Gray-cheeked Thrush
I went outside at @ 6PM to try and add the last 2 Thrushes onto today's list, 
because have had Swainson's for the last week or so, and at least one 
Gray-cheeked.  I let my dog walk up the driveway just ahead of me, birds 
would move just a bit seeing her, then I'de tell her to stop and get them in 
my binocs, had never done that before, but worked great and she was very 
obedient which is not always the case.  The birds were all hanging out in 
another dogwood at the top of the drive, along with Tanagers and Grosbeaks.  
I saw a Swainson's Thrush, and another that I guessed was Gray-cheeked, but 
the light wasn't very good, so wasn't sure.  Then I heard the nocturnal fight 
call of a Gray-cheeked!! , had learned it from a Bill Evans' tape that Donna 
Bailey had given to me last Jan., and then found it in much better light and 
got great looks, and heard another while was watching that one.  A really fun 
Shelley Theye

Shelley Theye
North Chatham County, NC