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Chapel Hill Bird Club weekend in the mountains


It was a rainy, foggy, fun, birdy weekend as 18 birders gathered
at Mahogany Rock on the Blue Ridge Parkway in NC for a Chapel Hill Bird
Club weekend in
the  mountains. Because of the weather we only saw one Turkey Vulture at
Mahogany Rock. All of us had great scope views though, of a beautiful
Merlin, perched on top of a tree in a field along the Parkway.

At times the trails were quiet, but suddenly a burst of bird activity
would appear.
Joe and I had 15 warbler species: American Redstart, TN, Hooded, Cape
May, Blackburnian, Black-and-white, Black-throated Blue, Black-throated
Green, Chestnut-sided, Worm-eating, Pine, Magnolia, Bay-breasted,
Northern Parula, and Ovenbird. More warblers where seen by the whole

Generally the warbler groups were flocking with talkative chickadees.
There also seemed to be a White-breasted Nuthatch around most of the
time. The fogged turned thicker on Sunday, making it more of a challenge
to see the birds. We wished it was sunny so we could enjoy the colors!
Saw 30+ Wild Turkeys in fields or along the side of the road Saturday
morning. There were a few Scarlet Tanager, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, and
Wood Thrush.  As we stopped to eat lunch Saturday Doug spotted a
Red-eyed Vireo at eye level, giving us all great views--a life bird for
a couple birders. We also saw Philadelphia and Blue-headed Vireos.

Will does a great Sceech Owl call, but at one point, Bruce said,
"Quiet!" There was a real Screech Owl calling in the distance!! We left
the group late Sunday morning as they were hiking up another trail in
the fog, thinking it was time to get home and out of the weather. What
else did you see? We returned to Raleigh by 5, before another band of
showers hit. I was concerned about the rest of you making it home!! Hope
to hear a summary from some others on the group!  Thanks to Doug and

Happy birding! Karen Bearden
Raleigh, NC