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Falls Lake shorebirds


Today I checked the mudflats N from Little Lick Creek. All together some
2.5 hour walking and counting shorebirds. The numbers are from the main
kind of peninsula and small islands along power line towards Cheek Rd
bridge. I have one juvenile Stint which looked like Red-necked Stint in
the "muddy corner" of the peninsula, no photographs. I will try to make
some photos tomorrow. Bird was "Semipalmated - Little Stint" like,
fairly rufus on back and scapulars with rather distinct back and
scapulars "V" (similar to Least Sand or Little Stint). Scapular pattern
was very much like for Red-necked. I do not know much about juvenile
Semipalmated variation yet, however that bird was far too rufus for any
photographs or pictures in valuable books and papers.
Anyway here you are:

Willet - 1ad
Black-bellied Plover - 1 ad
Killdeer - 68
Semipalmated Plover - 31
Spotted Sand. - 6 (3 ad)
Pectoral Sand - 48
Baird's Sand. - 1 juv
Western Sand. - 4 juv
Semipalmated Sand - 10 juv 2 ad
Least Sand. - 31 juv 4 ad
Stilt Sand. - 4 ad
Short-billed Dowitcher - 4 juv

That is all. Hopefully cold front will come during weekend and bring
some more birds.
I will be there tomorrow at ca 08:30 at south Olive Grove Rd dead end,
then walk till power line and turn to the right to the lake. On lake
shore go left till you see "muddy corner" of the big peninsula (some 10


Michal Skakuj  Ph.D.
4600 University Drive apt. 1312
Durham, NC 27707
phone:        919 402 9961
mobile phone: 919 599 3040