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(Fwd) Jordan Lake - Knot and W Phalaropes

Here are some additional sightings from Doug Shadwick...

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   There are a few shorebirds on Jordan Lake that I have not seen mentioned
in recent postings.  Yesterday (8/18) morning therre was an adult winter
plumage Red Knot on the Big Peninsula side of New Hope Creek.   This is a
scope and hope bird.  This morning  (8/19) there was a small herd of
juvenile Wilson's Phalaropes near the mudflats directly West of the rte.
751 bridge.   You can reach the (obvious) mudflats by walking down the
enbankment at the south end of the bridge or walking east from the Eagle
platform.  This area can be reached in a few minutes from rte. 751 and
would provide some nice casual late day birding. I could account for 5
Phalaropes at any given time as they actively foraged with Lesser
Yellowlegs.  The other usual shorebirds were present (no grass peeps) along
with a Black Tern and about a dozen Blue-winged Teal in eclipsed plumage.

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Charles W. "Will" Cook                  w 919-660-7423
http://www.duke.edu/~cwcook            cwcook@duke.edu
Biology Dept., Duke Univ., Box 90340, Durham, NC 27708