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Jordan Lake, 751 bridge


The water is going down, there are more mudflats and islands. The famous
peninsula is just a limit of shorebirds now, most birds were between the
751 bridge and that peninsula. If somebody wouldn't like to walk to much
just stay on both sides of the creek near the bridge. There are many
nice species (more Western than Semipalmated, Wilson's Phalaropes,
Marblet Godwit, Lesser Yellowlegs, Black-belied Plover) altogether some
50 to 70 birds fairly close and in good light.
Here you my count:

Black-belied Plover        1 ad
Killdeer -                          80
Semipalmated Pl            19  (looks like most birds gone, the same on
Falls Lake)
Lesser Yellowlegs           79 (some 50% adults)
Spotted Sand.                  2 (sure there are none among dead trees
and woods on the lake)
Wilson's Phalarope          7 juv 1 ad (near 751 bridge - excellent
Stilt Sand.                        2 juv  7 ad  (most near the bridge)
Pectoral Sand.                142  (good number again and good number of
adults still there)
Western Sand.                23 juv  (8 near the bridge)
Semipalmated Sand.    29 (still 2 adults)
Least Sand.                     73 (only some 7 adults left)
Marblet Godwit                1 juv (nice colored bird with all new
feathers suggest juvenile)
Short-billed Dowitcher    8 juv  (on one of these islands toward
Long-billed Dowitcher     1 juv (in a flock of S-b, much greyer and
duller with dark  tertials)

Black Tern                      at least 2 juvenile flying here and
there (near the bridge as well)
Blue-winged Teal           12 near the bridge

If water will go down in following days we can expect birds will move
closer to the bridge so it will not be necessary to go up to that
peninsula. We will have all of them much closer. Nevertheless we need
some rain...


Michal Skakuj  Ph.D.
4600 University Drive apt. 1312
Durham, NC 27707
phone:        919 402 9961
mobile phone: 919 599 3040