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Re: Baird's Sandpiper, Avocet, Black Terns at Jordan


As Steven already mentioned I tried to count these guys, however they were very
"nervous" today, changing places fairly often. Some because of preparing to move
(migrate south or west) some was just a panic (they could be panic quite easy,
just like human...). Well, anyway I did my best but I have this feeling that
there were more birds around...Here is my count:

Black-bellied PLover - 2 ad (I would say males) one additional heard only
Turnstone - 1ad
Willet - 1
Short-billed Dowitcher - 5 juv
Killdeer - 46 (number goes down on both lakes, that gives a space for other
Semipalmated Pl. - 66 (that grows pretty well in contrary to Killdeers)
Greater Yellowlegs - 1
Lesser Yellow. - 110 (nice goup, good number of adults still present)
Solitary Sand. - 8 ( as usually here and there)
Spotted Sand. - 2 (1 ad, could be more on edges of lake and among all of these
stumps and logs)
Pectoral Sand. - 162 (good number corresponding to my last count on Falls Lake,
there was one leucistic bird, nice warm-straw colored with whitish tertials and
probably all flight feathers, the only albino or leucistic shorebird I've seen
in my live, that is what they call a RARE bird)
Baird's Sand. - 1 ad (nice looking guy in almost full winter plumage, waiting
for juv!)
Western Sand. - 6 (3 juv)
Semipalmated Sand. - 60 (more and more juv, some adults in almost winter
Least Sand. - 153 (little things were everywhere running fast, two times more
individuals than my last count on falls Lake)
No White-rumped Sand. but could be overlooked among other birds (some 620

Black Tern - 1 ad and 1 juv

If anybody would like to join me tomorrow on Falls Lake shorebirds count, I 'll
be waiting 06:55 - 07:10 at the parking place just after the bridge on Panther
Creek on Redwood Rd. The Redwood Rd is exit 183 to the right on HWY. 85.

Steven Shultz wrote:

> A nice morning along the New Hope Creek mudflats at Jordan Lake (a.ka. the
> 751 bridge area).  Best bird of the morning was a Baird's Sandpiper at the
> mouth of the New Hope Creek.  The lake is at 210.15, or down about 0.3 from
> last weekend, and exposing extensive mudflats near the area where New Hope
> Creek empties into the lake.  All told we had 15 species of shorebirds (+1
> seen by Mike Skakuj).  The Chapel Hill Bird Club arrived as I was leaving,
> having located an avocet just west of the 751 bridge.  The bird can probably
> be seen from the bridge, feeding in the shallows to the west and on the
> south side of the channel.
> The list...  (Mike Skakuj was counting birds, so I imagine he will post
> numbers a bit later.)
> Baird's Sandpiper
> Least SP
> Western SP
> Semipalmated SP
> Pectoral SP
> Spotted SP
> Solitary SP
> Willet
> Stilt SP
> Black-bellied Plover
> Semipalmated Plover
> Short-billed Dowitcher
> American Avocet (male)
> Greater Yellowlegs
> Lesser Yellowlegs
> Ruddy Turnstone (Mike Skakuj)
> Also:
> 3 Black Terns, one in breeding plumage
> 3 Little Blue Herons
> 1 Snowy Egret
> Best,
> Steve Shultz
> Apex, NC

Michal Skakuj  Ph.D.
4600 University Drive apt. 1312
Durham, NC 27707
phone:        919 402 9961
mobile phone: 919 599 3040