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Triangle area walk/sightings

> Are there any walks in the Triangle area this weekend, anyone meeting
> at Glen Lennox or somewhere else?  

There's a Chapel Hill Bird Club field trip this Saturday -- don't know what 
destination is planned, but it wouldn't surprise me if it's Brickhouse Road 
or some other sparrowy spot. (more info: 

Here are a couple of belated sightings:

Had a fun trip to Brickhouse Road, near Falls Lake on 14 October.  The 
sparrows were back in force, including several White-crowned Sparrows, along 
with Ruby- and Golden-crowned Kinglets, and a nice Brown Creeper (my first 
of the season).  Palm Warblers were all over the place.  I bet there's a 
Lincoln's Sparrow there now, just waiting to be discovered.

I don't remember if anyone's already mentioned this, but on Saturday 26 
October there were 3 Bonaparte's Gulls at Sandling Beach, Falls Lake (and 
virtually nothing else -- all the loons were gone!).  This is fairly early --
the only earlier reports I have in the database are 9/1/88 and 10/25/86.

On the way home that Saturday, I saw an interesting bird over I-40 in 
Durham.  At a distance I was thinking it must be a soaring Red-tailed Hawk, 
but as I drove underneath it, I noticed it was all black, had a wedge-shaped 
tail, and a thick bill.  I expect it was a Common Raven, but since it was a 
65-mph flyby glimpse without binoculars, I'm not sure about counting it 

Good birding,

Charles W. "Will" Cook                  w 919-660-7423
http://www.duke.edu/~cwcook            cwcook@duke.edu
Biology Dept., Duke Univ., Box 90340, Durham, NC 27708