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Re: Alligator River NWR at night

	Alligator River NWR is essentially closed to public entry after sunset.
Thus, birders could get a citation/fine, etc. for owling, etc. Hanging
around the fields along Milltail Road waiting for a Short-eared Owl to
fly around just before dusk is OK, but that is about it. Because of the
large number of bears, deer, and red wolves, the refuge staff is
concerned about spotlighting, illegal nighttime hunting, etc., and their
desire to protect the Federally listed red wolf (which feeds primarily
at night).

Check with the Alligator River NWR staff about such a visit. Maybe they
could arrange an evening visit for a group.

As the Wildlife in North Carolina's recent issue contains a 6-page
article on the refuge, you may want to look at it. It contains info
about the refuge at (252) 473-1131. The website address listed doesn't
work, but you should be able to get to a website thru a search engine.

Harry LeGrand

"Harrold, Eric S" wrote:
> Birders who know,
> The Blue Ridge Birder bunch will invade the OBX and vicinity the weekend of
> Dec 6-8. One possible excursion we are considering is an evening trip to
> Alligator River NWR to look for Short-eared and Long-eared Owls. Many
> questions - where should we look (certain roads/fields, etc.), what time is
> best, and are tapes as essential/helpful? Also, if any locals out there
> would like to join us and lend their expertise, we'd be delighted to have
> your company. Oh, and might I mention we've honed our Tyrant flycatcher id
> skills :)
> Eric Harrold
> Charlotte, NC

Harry LeGrand
NC Natural Heritage Program
1615 MSC
Raleigh, NC 27699-1615
(919) 715-8687 (work)
FAX: 919-715-3085
e-mail: harry.legrand@ncmail.net