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Re: Alligator River NWR at night

I thought it was 30 minutes after sunset.  Of course, that is still a
problem, because the owls may not come out until about 30 minutes after
sunset, and then you still need some time to get out.

John Fussell

----- Original Message -----
From: Harry Legrand <harry.legrand@ncmail.net>
To: Harrold, Eric S <esharrol@email.uncc.edu>
Cc: <carolinabirds@duke.edu>
Sent: Friday, November 01, 2002 9:04 AM
Subject: Re: Alligator River NWR at night

> Folks:
> Alligator River NWR is essentially closed to public entry after
> Thus, birders could get a citation/fine, etc. for owling, etc. Hanging
> around the fields along Milltail Road waiting for a Short-eared Owl to
> fly around just before dusk is OK, but that is about it. Because of
> large number of bears, deer, and red wolves, the refuge staff is
> concerned about spotlighting, illegal nighttime hunting, etc., and
> desire to protect the Federally listed red wolf (which feeds primarily
> at night).
> Check with the Alligator River NWR staff about such a visit. Maybe
> could arrange an evening visit for a group.
> As the Wildlife in North Carolina's recent issue contains a 6-page
> article on the refuge, you may want to look at it. It contains info
> about the refuge at (252) 473-1131. The website address listed doesn't
> work, but you should be able to get to a website thru a search engine.
> Harry LeGrand
> "Harrold, Eric S" wrote:
> >
> > Birders who know,
> >
> > The Blue Ridge Birder bunch will invade the OBX and vicinity the
weekend of
> > Dec 6-8. One possible excursion we are considering is an evening
trip to
> > Alligator River NWR to look for Short-eared and Long-eared Owls.
> > questions - where should we look (certain roads/fields, etc.), what
time is
> > best, and are tapes as essential/helpful? Also, if any locals out
> > would like to join us and lend their expertise, we'd be delighted to
> > your company. Oh, and might I mention we've honed our Tyrant
flycatcher id
> > skills :)
> >
> > Eric Harrold
> > Charlotte, NC
> --
> Harry LeGrand
> NC Natural Heritage Program
> 1615 MSC
> Raleigh, NC 27699-1615
> (919) 715-8687 (work)
> FAX: 919-715-3085
> e-mail: harry.legrand@ncmail.net
> ---
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