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the perfect visual aid

Got to tell a story folks! I work as an assistant naturalist at the
Charlotte Nature Museum during the morning hours, which are usually spent
talking to school groups and interpreting exhibits. This morning, I led one
of the Kindergarten classes onto our short nature trail behind the museum.
At the beginning of the walk, we flushed an immature Red-tailed Hawk along
the edge of the trail. As it flew up in a nearby tree, I could see that it
had a fairly large gray squirrel it had apparently just captured. We slowly
approached to within 30 feet or so, as the hawk sat perched in a low branch
clutching the squirrel awkwardly. The kids, teachers, and even myself were
speechless as we observed an actual predator-prey interaction before our
very eyes. For inner-city kids to get to see such a sight is almost
priceless when you consider how distorted their view of nature can become,
given the "bambi" syndrome propagated by television and media entertainment.

I'd also like to thank all the folks who offered suggestions on Short-eared
Owls at Alligator River. It sounds like calling the refuge would be a good


Eric Harrold
Charlotte, NC