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Hawks etc.

Today, (Sat.) while driving to the Experimental Aircraft Fly-in, near Mt. Olive, I had a Red Tail fly in front of the car and a 1/4 mil down the road another in a tree. Near the flying site was a recently mowed field of about 10 acres and I counted approximately 100 Killdeer. When they fly in flocks they remind me of plovers flying about the mud flats.
One of our local dentists has an enclosed area outside the patient room windows, (equipped with one-way glass.) He is occasionally treated with some wonderful bird behavior, including hawks and falcons. About a week ago he reported that a Coopers Hawk perched on the wall, eyeing the house finches. They immediately flew into a low compact bush. The hawk dropped to the ground and as he landed the finches flew to the ivy covered wall on one end. The hawk managed to cling to the ivy. All this time the birds froze. Getting no results the hawk shook the vines a bit and one bird moved. She nabbed it. The dentist said " don't tell me birds can't reason".
Ernest and Lois Snavely, Loris, SC