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Grand Strand Ducks

Several duck species are beginning to be seen once again here in
northeastern South Carolina.  While numbers are still very limited, I've
seen a total of twelve species over the last three days.  The following have
been noted:

American Wigeon (4) golf course pond on Garden City Connector
Northern Shoveler (1) Georgetown Wastewater Treatment Plant
Blue-winged Teal (7) Conway Sewage Pond
Green-winged Teal (3) Huntington Beach State Park (HBSP)
Wood Duck
Surf Scoter (1) HBSP
Black Scoter (25) HBSP
Ring-necked Duck (1) HBSP, (4) Surfside Beach Wal-Mart ....I've always said
you can find anything at Wal-Mart!
Lesser Scaup (12) HBSP
Ruddy Duck (1) HBSP, (3) Surfside Beach Wal-Mart
Hooded Merganser (9) HBSP

Although it seems funny to have birds listed as being seen at Wal-mart, the
2-3 acre storm water retention pond between the store and Ryan's just off
Hwy. 17 bypass will often have in excess of 1000 birds at night.  Most are
Canada Geese and Mallards, but several others species are sometimes mixed in
as well.  Many times, however, not a single bird will be seen here during
the day.

Good Birding!
Ritch Lilly
Myrtle Beach, SC