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Sunday in Hill Forest

Hi Carolinabirders,

The Duke Natural History Society - which now has a website at
- had a trip Sunday to the Flat River Slopes, an area in NCSU's Hill
Forest north of Durham. Participants included Carolinabirders Randy Emmitt
and Will Cook, as well as some less bird-centered folks. Results were
strikingly similar to the Bearden's at Johnston Mill, including our first
Winter Wren of the year and a Brown Creeper. The one other bird of note
was a Northern Harrier, circling high above the edge of a clearing in
obvious migration mode. We also noted some lingering butterflies, much
evidence of Beaver activity, and a surprising variety of plants,
especially woody plants of which we identified 48 species (and probably
missed a few) including bird-friendly sorts like Spicebush and some really
large Hackberry.

Good birding,


Joshua S. Rose
Duke University
Department of Biology (Zoology, R.I.P.)
