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Fall birding


Joe and I enjoyed the beautiful, fall weather yesterday afternoon while
birding at Triangle Land Conservancy's Johnston Mill Nature Preserve
(off Mt. Sinai Rd., close to Chapel Hill, NC). I was happy to see our
first Winter Wren, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, and Brown Creeper for the
season. We heard juncos, but didn't see them. Funny, we didn't see one
Yellow-rumped Warbler! It was neat seeing a flock of American Robins,
Cedar Waxwings, and two sapsuckers high in a tree foraging on berries.
There were also robins drinking and splashing around in New Hope Creek,
not far from the tree. Golden-crowned Kinglets outnumbered Ruby-crowned.
Nice day to be outside where our fall colors are beginning their peak in
the NC Piedmont!

Happy birding! Karen Bearden
Raleigh, NC