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Late Fall Birding, Jackson Park, Hendersonville, NC

I stopped by JP about 9:30 am before the winds cranked up to max
velocity. Still, it was pretty breezy and I wasn't expecting too much
However, things were fairly active. White-throated sparrows were there
in large numbers. I saw one flock of at least two dozen birds, some of
whom were rehearsing their spring songs. Also evident in some numbers
were both kinglet species. 
A swamp sparrow appeared in the back of the Nature Trail, and farther
on, I had a great look at a Lincoln's Sparrow sitting on a branch about
four feet in the air in full sun--probably my best view ever of this
usually reclusive species. 
Soon after, a Red-shouldered Hawk flew int a tree right above the
walkway. I watched him for a few minutes, until a quartet of blue jays
hassled him to the point of departure. As I came into the open a few
minutes later, I caught sight of a sharpie circling about a 100 ft.
above me.
All in all, I thought that this was a very rewarding hour of birding on
a day when weather conditions were not the best.

Tom Joyce
Brevard, NC