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Mystery Kingbird

To C'Birders:

Once again it's been made obvious to me that I don't spend time really
learning a bird, when I see a bird that I think I already know:

   For example:  I have seen Gray Kingbirds many times in Florida and part
of the pair that bred at Caswell Beach - missed the one Diane Hahn had at
Sunset Beach when I was out of town back in 5/93.  I NEVER realized they
have so much brown on them.

Kaufman's "Birds of North America" shows it on Page 227, two shots.

Here's a description from Sprunt's "Florida Bird Life", published 1954 by
National Audubon:
     ". . . . wings and tail hair-brown (dark drab), or fuscous; . .".  I
had to go to the dictionary for "fuscous", which means - no surprise,
"brownish-gray, or dusky".

None of the rest of my field guides mention this color, or show it in their
depictions.  I have all the ones most of my birding acquaintances have.
Tsk, Tsk.

I have read the 4 answers on the Frontiers of Identification talk-line, all
of which seem positive that the bird is a Gray Kingbird.  I will definitely
be studying this bird next time I see one.  And trying  particularly to find
an immature one.

The one thing that bothers me is, (and if it was mentioned by the actual
viewers of said bird I missed it), the lack of a really forked tail.

A very interesting find, anyway.
And I am too jealous of The Golden Triangle's Wagtail, which I was too far
away to get to in a hurry, but Congratulations Karen and all on that find.

I have spent all fall staying home saving money for our big 50th Anniversary
trip to New Zealand.  The result is Backyard Birds #178 and #179:
Black-throated Green (Yeah, I should have had one before this), and an
immature colorful Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, who was in the suitable jungley
habitat on the side of my backyard, but was chased by another bird shortly
after that, never to return, though I waited and waited.

Good Birding,
Mary McDavit, Lake Medcalf, Sunset Lakes, Sunset Beach, NC