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Dear C'Birders:

This is a sad note I am writing, but feel many will be interested:

One week ago my Friend, Norman Bush, the husband of my best birding buddy,
Carolyn Bush passed away after a short illness.  I know some of you have
watched the Storks on their peninsula next to that flagpole or in the trees,
on East Lake of Twin Lakes, probably from the pullover (now Business) Rt.
179.  Norm was very proud and protective of his storks.  He once called the
local newspaper about them and to his delight they sent a reporter, and an
article with pictures appeared shortly thereafter.

As you birders know the ducks have been coming in for the winter to our
lakes and when Norm, a pilot from World War II era, realized his time was
near he said, "The birds are arriving, but this big bird will soon be flying
away."   Norm Bush, a man of much grace and peace, loved by all, will be
sorely missed.

Mary McDavit, Sunset Beach, NC