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Bill Hilton's pics

Hi Carolinabirders,
Its poaring rain here in Conway with some intense thunderstorms so I'm
stuck in my office this afternoon playing nursemaid (emphasis on maid)
to my wife after her eye surgery early this morning.  But I truly
enjoyed the great pics of the Lincoln's Sparrow on Bill Hilton's
website.  It motivated me to reread an Id article on Lincoln's from more
than 20 years ago. Yikes!
The article was a "fine points" written by Wade Wander in vol v, number
3 of "Records of New Jersey Birds".  An angle in this article helped me
id my first Lincoln's and I'll share it with you folks.  Wade was
comparing the streaking on the underparts of Song with Lincoln's: "Think
of the marks on the Lincoln's as pencil-like, those of the Song Sparrow
as crayon-like" It has always proved, for me,  to be a good way to
visualize the streaking across the buffy breast of the Lincoln's.
Wade Wander, a great birder and a blast from the past, I wonder what he
is doing now?

Jack Peachey
Conway, SC