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Re: Suet?

I've found it next to impossible to buy "true" suet, which is fat from
the kidney areas (I think) and easy to recognize because it doesn't look
"cut" and there's no meat attached.  (When I *can* find it, I buy all
the store will sell me!)

So, as far as using the fat you can get from supermarkets:  I get what I
can, cut it into chunks, and render the fat (cook until fat melts, meat
scraps brown).  Then I put the fat into bread pans to harden so I can
cut it into feeder-size pieces, and feed the meat scraps to my
eagerly-awaiting dogs.

Note:  although rendering the fat supposedly makes it last longer, it
also removes the connective tissue(?) so that a sudden warm spell (like
the past few days) can warm up suet enough that it "melts" from the

You could also buy what fat you can find and freeze it for later use,
but I strongly suggest that you NOT attempt to cut frozen suet or
fat!!!  I nearly lost a finger the only time I tried it!

Anne Lurie
Raleigh, NC

Bwstagsleap@cs.com wrote:
> In N.Y. I was able to buy suet at the supermarket.Harris Teeter gave me what
> appeared to be fat. Is this ok for the birds? Does anyone know where to get
> good suet? I have not had much luck with the suet you can buy at the bird
> shops. Any help would be appreciated.
> Brad Feuss
> Charlotte, NC