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roanoke paddle

I was lucky enough to be invited to paddle on parts of the Roanoke river by
Joe Jacobs of Rock Rest Adventures and now know why Ginger loves to Kayak
on the lake.  What a fantastic venue.  On Sat we went to Devils Gut and had
a flyover of 2 huge flocks of Red winged Blackbirds, and many birds calling
in the woods.  It looks like woodpecker heaven given all the holes I saw. 
We had Kingfishers, Both vultures overhead along with some high fliers I
couldn't ID, chickadees, titmice, red bellied wp. Sun was even better on
Sweetwater Creek: I have never seen as many  Pileated wp in one day as I
did, along with downy, red-bellied, flickers all over, and even a yellow
bellied sapsucker eating the tupelo fruit.  At one spot I had a golden
crown kinglet, flock of robins eating the fruit along with cedar waxwings,
and a blue headed vireo.  Also seen were Great blue heron, a flyover of
Canada on Sun morning and what we think were mallards flushing from the
water as they made no sounds like wood ducks.  Also had a deer or two. 
Also heard a barred owl.  it was great, not too far. If anyone is
interested in learning more about the trip and perhaps setting up a trip
next spring (I bet the woods will be alive with everything) please write
me. And Ginger if you ever want someone to go with, let me know, it was
great.  barb brooks
We were at Williamston for the trip.  brooksba@mindspring.com

--- Barbara Brooks
--- brooksba@mindspring.com
   Hillsborough, NC
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