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jetty birding +

Hi C-birders,
Yesterday, Bob Maxwell and myself met at the causeway parking lot at
Huntington Beach State Park, Murrells Inlet, Georgetown County, S.C.
After looking in Mullet Pond and the causeway salt marsh, we journed
into Horry County to search the piers at Myrtle Beach S. P. and the
Apache Campground for sea ducks.

Pied-billed Grebe
Horned Grebe-1 off the Myrtle Beach S.P. pier-still sporting mostly
breeding plumage.
N. Gannet-many
Brown Pelican-a few
Double-crested Cormorant-many
Great Blue Heron-2
Great Egret-2
Snowy Egret-2
White Ibis-1 flyby
Lesser Scaup-at least 2 among about 20 scaup in Mullet Pond.  To far
away even with my new scope to get a sense of size of the bill and nail
on the rest.  Probably the rest were also Lesser.
Black Scoter-5 all females-all near the beach and close to the pier at
the Apache Campground
Surf Scoter-2 females-again near with the Black Scoter.
Hooded Merganser-6
Ruddy Duck-2
Turkey Vulture-1 while traveling
Osprey-1 over the Apache Campground
Red-tailed Hawk-1 in transit
Yellowlegs sp-1 marsh at the causeway at HBSP
Dunlin-many at the marsh in HBSP
Short-billed Dowitcher-many
Laughing Gull-many off the piers
Bonaparte's Gull-a few
Ring-billed Gull-a few near the piers
Herring Gull-2-near the Apache Pier
Great Black-backed Gull-2 at the Apache Pier
Royal Tern-some off the MBSP pier
Sandwich Tern-1 on the beach at MBSP
Forster's Tern-several off the MBSP & Apache pier
Rock Dove-common at both piers
Mourning Dove-many
Belted Kingfisher-2 at HBSP
Tree Swallow-fairly numerous over the causeway
Blue Jay-a good number near the causeway parking lot
Carolina Chickadee-a few near the east end of the causeway at HBSP
Carolina Wren-1 seen at the east end of the causeway at HBSP
Ruby-crowned Kinglet-1-near the powerline cut at the entrance to HBSP
N. Mockingbird-a few at all three locations
Yellow-rumped Warbler-some at east end of causeway
N. Cardinal-3
E. Towhee-1 heard only
White-throated Sparrow-a good number in the powerline cut near the
entrance to HBSP
Boat-tailed Grackle-a good number at all three locations
House Sparrow-some near the base of the jetty at the Apache Campgound.

Jack Peachey
Conway, SC