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Re: Bachmans sparrow

There are probably lots of Bachman's Sparrows in appropriate habitat in
Francis Marion National Forest all year 'round. They are very difficult to
find, however, when they are not singing. They probably will not start
singing much in the Francis Marion NF until about March.

Go to a nice pine savanna area, such as you might find along Halfway Creek
Road along the Berkeley -- Charleston County line, walk out into the
habitat, and be lucky. Otherwise wait until spring.

Robin Carter
Columbia, SC

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bruce" <bkrucke@awod.com>
To: "carolina, birds of, " <carolinabirds@acpub.duke.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 11:57 AM
Subject: Bachmans sparrow

> I have friends coming to the Charleston area after Thanksgiving.  They are
> anxious to see Bachmans sparrow.  Does anyone know of a pretty sure place
> for them in this area?  We used to see them where the road to Cape Romain
> joins Seewee Rd.  Has anyone seen them there lately?  Any suggestions
> be most welcome.
> Bruce Krucke
> bkrucke@awod.com
> Yonges Island, SC