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RE: [Fwd: MBTA waiver for DOD]


You know, the hell of it is, a considerable proportion of subscribers to
this forum (with their vote) helped make this situation possible. We're now
a society of war games and materialism, and I don't suppose it matters who
is to blame. What's a conservationist to do?

Eric Harrold
Charlotte, NC

-----Original Message-----
From: weymouth woods
To: Carolina Birds
Sent: 11/20/02 4:09 PM
Subject: [Fwd: MBTA waiver for DOD]

  Hi - Thought most of you would be interested in this.

Scott Hartley
Weymouth Woods - SNP
Southern Pines, NC

Los Angeles Times
November 14, 2002

Senate OKs Broad Waiver For Pentagon On Migratory Birds

By Elizabeth Shogren, Times Staff Writer

WASHINGTON -- The Senate on Wednesday passed and sent to the president
compromise legislation designed to give the Defense Department a broad
exemption from the 1918 Migratory Bird Treaty Act, which protects 850
species of birds from harmful practices.

The bill, which passed the House on Tuesday, is only a partial victory
the Pentagon, which had sought exemptions from eight landmark
laws, including the Endangered Species Act, the Clean Air Act, the Clean
Water Act and the Marine Mammal Protection Act. Nonetheless,
environmentalists and their supporters in Congress were outraged at the
migratory bird waiver.

"The provision, which was inserted at the Bush administration's request,
will effectively give the Defense Department license to bomb and destroy
will the natural habitats of migratory birds, endangering more than 1
million birds and curtailing the enjoyment of more than 50 million bird
enthusiasts in this country," said Rep. John D. Dingell (D-Mich.).

The measure was inserted into the $393-billion defense authorization
which approves funds for a variety of military programs, during a
committee meeting, in which a small group of Senate and House members
hammered out the differences between their two versions of the bill. The
House version contained an exemption; the Senate's did not.

The provision passed Wednesday would give the Defense Department an
exemption from the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and would direct the
secretary within a year to come up with regulations permanently
military readiness activities from the law. The provision also would
the military to take appropriate actions to avoid unnecessarily killing
harming migratory birds, and to monitor the effect of the exemption on

Members of Congress who supported the military's requests for exemptions
were angered that Congress had given the military so little of what it
asked for, especially at a time when it is poised to put American forces
harm's way.

"The secretary of Defense submitted eight ideas; we enacted half of
said Rep. James V. Hansen (R-Utah), chairman of the House Resources

Hansen said that because the migratory bird provision would shift
responsibility to the Interior secretary, rather than writing the
into law, delays and lawsuits would be likely to keep the military from
getting what it wants.

"That is going to open up a can of worms and is clearly not going to be
sufficient even over the short term," Hansen added.

The Pentagon and its supporters in Congress argued that environmental
have been inhibiting training at bases across the country and on the

The Migratory Bird Treaty Act had caused the Pentagon a particular
since March, when a U.S. district court in Washington held that the
must comply with the act.

The Center for Biological Diversity, an Arizona-based environmental
organization, had sued the Defense Department because the Navy conducts
bombing exercises on Farallon de Medinilla, a 200-acre island in the
of the Pacific that is part of the Northern Mariana Islands. Many birds
killed during those exercises, including some protected by the act, such
the Micronesian megapode, which is on the endangered species list; great
frigatebirds; and three types of boobys -- masked, red-footed and brown.

The judge ordered the Defense Department to stop the bombing until it
into compliance with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. During the case, a
government lawyer argued that bird lovers benefit when the military
birds because "bird watchers get more enjoyment spotting a rare bird
they do spotting a common one."

Judge Emmet G. Sullivan reprimanded the government for that argument.
is absolutely no support in the law for the view that environmentalists
should get enjoyment out of the destruction of natural resources," he

Peter Galvin, the California and Pacific director for the Center for
Biological Diversity, said his organization would try to fight the
through the courts and in Congress. He blamed the Bush administration
creating a climate that encouraged such actions.

"The current administration's attitude toward environmental law is
by their submission in the case that environmentalists and birders
enjoy bombing because it makes birds rarer," Galvin said.

Susan Ladd Miller
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
P.O. Box 119
Southern Pines, NC  28388
(910) 695-3323