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pond locale

I hate to admit this but the pond is on private property although the
owners of the gravel pit associated with it have given me and my horse
friends tacit approval to ride on it,(by that I mean they have driven right
past me and said nothing) I am not sure they would appreciate a large group
or continued visitors.  They already discourage the Hispanic population
from going there.  
   Their biggest concern is that people will go and be there when they
blast during the week.  Why they think the blast will affect the pond is
beyond me as they state they implode not explode and they have a LOUD siren
that goes off before blasting which one day made me high tail out of there
just in case.  So I guess I will just have to keep the place quiet as I
don't want to get booted off for birding and riding.  Sorry  to all but
this is the best way to keep the pond available to at least one birder.  I
hope everyone understands.  Also all you ABA'ers, please don't flame me, I
have been riding there longer than birding and feel since the workers have
not told me not to ride or bird there that I am able to do so.  Remember
that the coast guard station on the Oregon inlet is off limits but we have
all been there.  barb brooks

--- Barbara Brooks
--- brooksba@mindspring.com
   Hillsborough, NC
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