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RE: King Eider @ Ft. Fisher area

Gender-confusion?  "female?" "king?" "him?" "he?" Perhaps he/she/it was
just as species-confused, and walked up to you before realizing
his/her/its mistake.  <G>

Tomm "Non Compos Mentos" Lorenzin
Davidson (Lake Norman), NC

            Keep 100m Back! 
       Not responsible for phonemes
           flying from mouth.

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> -----Original Message-----
> From: carolinabirds-owner@acpub.duke.edu 
> [mailto:carolinabirds-owner@acpub.duke.edu] On Behalf Of 
> wbsmithson@cswebmail.com
> Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 16:35
> To: Taylor Piephoff; carolinabirds@duke.edu
> Cc: Gregory Schneider; John Fussell; Ricky Davis
> Subject: King Eider @ Ft. Fisher area
> Having spent some time at the Ft. Fisher SRA trying to
> turn up some Snow Buntings or Longspurs without
> success, I was heading north on my way home when I
> decided to check the coquina rock formation on the
> ocean shore in front of the Ocean Dunes Condominiums. 
> Thought I might find a Purple Sandpiper since the tide
> was low.  No luck on the sandpiper, but did see 2 Red
> Knots feeding with the Sanderlings, Dunlin, and lone
> Ruddy Turnstone.  I was about to leave when something
> out in the ocean and a little south of the rock
> formation caught my eye.  
> Turns out it was a 1st winter female King Eider just
> like the one pictured in Sibley's Guide to Birds.  The
> bird was very cooperative allowing me to walk up to
> within 50 feet of him and then leaving the ocean
> briefly to walk up onto the shore toward me for some
> unknown reason, then returning to the water to about
> 30' offshore where he remained when I left.
> Perhaps John Fussell or someone more knowledgeable than
> I can hazard a guess whether this bird is likely to be
> found after today.
> This area is located on the east side of Hwy 421 about
> a quarter mile before the Ft. Fisher State Historic
> Site when heading south.  The site is in the extreme
> south end of New Hanover County, North Carolina.  There
> is a public beach access at the site, and parking is
> available on the west side of 421.
> Good birding all.
> Bruce Smithson
> 318 W. Blackbeard Rd.
> Wilmington, NC  28409
> (910) 799-5083 ___________________________________________________
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