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Wilson's Plovers at Bird Shoal, NC

Today, I spent a thoroughly delightful day at Bird Shoal-Horse
Island-Carrot Island (Rachel Carson Reserve), just south of Beaufort,
NC.  I used a poke boat to get from shoal to shoal.  There were
thousands of shorebirds, and, the wind being light, most were very

My most noteworthy sightings were 3 Wilson's Plovers, about 10 Piping
Plovers (2 had leg bands, but, not having a scope, I couldn't read the
combinations), 1 Whimbrel, 1 American Avocet, about 150 Marbled Godwits
(couldn't find a Long-billed Curlew), and 1 adult Peregrine Falcon.

Later, in the afternoon, Susan Boyd and I watched an immature Peregrine
Falcon circling almost directly above her house in Beaufort.  The falcon
was carrying recently killed prey, which it was evidently plucking as it
circled.  Every few seconds, a little shower of white feathers would
flurry down.

John Fussell
Morehead City, NC

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