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re: snow, ice, and birds

Speaking of the post-Fran woodpecker boom; while I was out taking insurance
pics of my mangled elec. service, I heard what I initially thought was a
flicker. A minute later an unmistakable Pileated woodpecker careened
through the twisted and broken tree tops overhead. It got added to the
growing backyard list. More importantly, it brought a huge grin to my
otherwise cold, weary face. I was really happy to see it, and for a moment,
I forgot why I was wandering about the yard to start with.  

Later, while chainsawing through the debris obstructing the driveway, a
downy didn't seem to mind that I was cutting low branches on the tree he
was perched much higher up in. Throughout these past few days, I've taken
much greater than normal pleasure in seeing just about any birds in this
neighborhood. For some reason the red-tailed hawks, the juncos, and yes,
even the mockingbirds and bluejays are welcome sights that bring special
enjoyment at this particular time.

More welcome were some giant yellow Pike electric trucks that got
everything back up and running. But I have a feeling that I'll remember the
Pileated woodpecker that put a smile on my face for a long time. Sometimes,
birds are special for no other reason than the situation that they occur in. 

Regards, and hope all are safe and warm,
Mike Swaim 
Western Orange Co., NC