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Yellow-throated Warbler

Good day All,

This morning at my suet feeder I was afforded the
pleasure of watching a brightly colored Yellow-throated
Warbler dine on WalMart's High Energy Suet (for
year-round wild bird feeding $1.37).  It came and went
several times from 9:00 to 9:30.  The suet cake
attaches on one end of a traditional cedar feeder
mounted on a pole.  I could tell the warbler was the
new kid on the block as it shied and flew off every
time a chickadee, titmouse, housefinch, or other
regular came to feed at the main feeder.  The Pine Warblers
that eat the suet are'nt bothered by the adjacent
traffic.  My neighborhood has many Loblolly Pines. I
wouldn't expect this bird to linger, but you never

Bruce Smithson
318 W. Blackbeard Rd.
Wilmington, NC  28409
(910) 799-5083
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