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Congrats: Karen B. et.al.

was surprised yesterday while reading latest Birdwatcher's Digest to find brief but nice
book reviews of both 'Birding in N. Carolina State Parks' and 'A Birdwatcher's Guide to the
Triangle'. Karen Bearden and others put tremendous effort into these volumes; nice
to seem them acknowledged in a national publication (....and, uhhh, still widely available
locally as stocking stuffers ; - )
Interestingly, those reviews are followed by another Chapel Hill published book '100 Birds
and How they Got Their Names' by an author I'm not familiar with(Diane Wells).
Ironically, all the reviews are written by Eirik Blom who just recently died of cancer and in the same
BWD issue is a letter to the editor from well-known ornithologist John V. Dennis who also
just recently passed away.
On bird notes, I've seen more Winter Wrens in the last couple weeks than I've probably seen in the
last 3 years, and the recent storm has created a heaven-on-earth for them!


**Rob Gluck......... Chapel Hill, NC......... thrush@hotmail.com

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