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Dobbins Cattle Farm and Lake Hartwell & Barb's chemo

Yesterday Barb and I drove over to Lake Hartwell, Anderson Co., SC to check
on some work being done on our lake house. In one small pine at the lake
house we had brown-headed nuthatch, golden-crowned kinglet, and black capped
chicadee. On the feeders were goldfinch, downy woodpecker, and the usuals.
   I cant get that close to Dobbins Cattle Farm and not check it out. It
proved to be rather slow with only a few of the regular sparrows-no
grasshopper sp.-, and only shoveler and mallard  on the ponds.  We did see 4
people birding the tangles along the road near the entrance to Beaverdam
WMA, and when I asked they said they were 'doing pretty well'.
     Barb is back on chemo again, having gotten treatment 4 days last week.
She has been on chemo 15 of the 21 months since she was diagnosed, plus two
surgeries. The good news is that this one has not made her sick-sick, only
very weak, and her counts are so low she must avoid everyone as a cold will
send her to the hospital.
The good news is that the cancer marker is down twenty percent.
   I am developing into a fabulous cook and may get my own TV show!! We
promise each other to have some fun every day, and we do!! Our daughter and
family will be here from Canada for
 the holidays. Please continue to pray for Barb as she fights this diease.
We have been to Duke and M.D. Anderson this fall to verify that we are doing
all that can be done--
 Merry Christmas To All, and to all a 'GOOD NIGHT'
 Bob and Barb Maxwell --- Greenville ,SC   bobmax1@charter.net