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Re: McClellanville CBC

Dear Christmas birders,

Alas, the 2100 Tree swallows contained no identifiable
Cave or other swallow species. I almost got a case of "warbler neck" as I
looked up at the swirling flocks that were overhead most of the day,
affording some good
looks. Our Tibwin party gave it a good try, but we dipped out.

Happy Birthday Carolinabirds, thanks Will!
I owe at least 5 South Carolina lifers to the list.

Steve Compton
----- Original Message -----
From: "Craig Watson" <jcraigw1@comcast.net>
To: "'Carolina Birds'" <carolinabirds@duke.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 8:26 PM
Subject: McClellanville CBC

> I am reporting species and numbers from the North and South Tibwin
> sections of the McClellanville CBC here only, this doesn't include the
> remainder of the circle.  There were a total of 89 species observed as
> follows:
> pie-billed grebe-3
> brown pelican-1
> double-crested cormorant-31
> anhinga-1
> great blue heron-12
> great egret-1
> little blue heron-2
> tri-colored heron-1
> green heron-1
> black-crowned night heron-4
> wood duck- 65
> green-winged teal-2
> mottled duck-8
> blue-winged teal-10
> American wigeon-8
> gadwall-8
> ring-necked duck-3
> bufflehead-6
> hooded merganser-70
> black vulture-4
> turkey vulture-20
> osprey-1
> bald eagle-5
> northern harrier-3
> red-shouldered hawk-2
> red-tailed hawk-5
> American kestrel-1
> peregrine falcon-1
> clapper rail-7
> sora rail-1
> common moorhen-4
> killdeer-1
> yellowlegs sp.-3
> ring-billed gull-20
> royal tern-2
> Forster's tern-4
> mourning dove-13
> Eastern screech owl-3
> great horned owl-1
> barred owl-1
> belted kingfisher-6
> red-bellied woodpecker-15
> yellow-bellied sapsucker-4
> downy woodpecker-6
> hairy woodpecker-1
> pileated woodpecker-4
> yellow-shafted flicker-22
> eastern phoebe-16
> tree swallow-2100
> blue jay-9
> American crow-19
> tufted titmouse-8
> Carolina chickadee-6
> Carolina wren-10
> house wren-7
> winter wren-2
> marsh wren-1
> golden-crowned kinglet-42
> ruby-crowned kinglet-124
> eastern bluebird-24
> hermit thrush-8
> American robin-122
> northern mockingbird-2
> gray catbird-6
> brown thrasher-1
> American pipit-43
> cedar waxwing-58
> loggerhead shrike-1
> white-eyed vireo-2
> blue-headed vireo-4
> orange-crowned warbler-1
> yellow-rumped warbler-918
> pine warbler-5
> palm warbler-9
> common yellowthroat-4
> northern cardinal-26
> eastern towhee-17
> chipping sparrow-3
> savannah sparrow-63
> field sparrow-1
> seaside sparrow-2
> fox sparrow-2
> songsparrow-13
> swamp sparrow-18
> white-throated sparrow-25
> red-winged blackbird-163
> eastern meadowlark-22
> common grackle-31
> American goldfinch-20
> Craig Watson
> Mt. Pleasant, SC
> (843)881-2652