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Dairyland delights

I headed out this morning to locate those Lapland Larkspurs in the bare
fields at Dairyland. It was a stunningly beautiful morning with banks of
snow white and ominous gray clouds piling up on the horizona and the sun
snatching short appearances in between. THe wind was keen and at one point
it blew in a huge flock of Pipits (about 50 that I could count) and there
were about the same number of Killdeer huddling in the Maple View fields.
BUt no larkspurs. I had to be satisfied with a Sharpie flushing and I
think killing a pipit and a flock of five shovellers on the farm pond.
Great way to spend Christmas morning. The great thing about birding on
Christmas is that there is absolutely no one around and you have a sense
of being in some far away, remote corner of the earth.

Lecturer in Urdu-Hindi & Indian Literature
University of N. Carolina, Chapel Hill
Curriculum in Asian Studies
Alumni Hall 413C
Chapel Hill, N.C. 27599
