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Coddle Creek waterfowl


It's a toss-up as to which "new name" I despise the most - Lake Don T.
Howell or Long-tailed Duck. At any rate, the latter was not seen on the
former, but a good representation was observed at the Hwy 136 side. With all
of the recent precipitation, the level of the reservoir has risen
considerably, to the point of 2-3 feet on the north side of 136 which I have
not seen in my 3 previous years of visiting the site. I would recommend
visiting now since birds are closer to viewing/accessible sites than

Ruddy Duck (>20)
Mallard (>20)
Black Duck (1)
Am. Widgeon (10)
Gadwall (5)
Shoveler (>20)
Hooded Merganser (2)
Coot (>20)
Canada Goose (why bother)
Great Blue Heron (1)

Eric Harrold
Charlotte, NC