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Onslow Birds

Nell & Jimi Moore came back to Onslow county for some business this week
and Nell,  Laura & myself made a day trip around Onslow County. Saw (91)
species. Bird of the day a LOGGERHEAD SHRIKE at North Topsail Inlet.
First Shrike in Onslow for all parties. Curious when a Shrike was last
seen in Onslow??

Duck numbers were way up for both Jax sewage plant & Sneads Ferry plant.

Ring-necked duck = 800+
Ruddy's  1000+
Shovelers = 20+
Scaup = 300+
(1) Red-headed Duck
Wood Duck, both Mergansers, and several Buffleheads.

Large numbers of all gulls, great looks, close up of Bonaparte's. Found
no rare gulls.
Nell had a very brief glimpse of a YELLOW RAIL, flushed @ sunset in the
marsh near Permuda Island. I DID NOT!@!*!!

Shore birds were numerous @ the inlet, Dunlins, Dowitcher, Plovers,
Willets, G. Yellowlegs, & at least (1) Western Sandpiper. Still had a
couple of Eurasian Collared doves there.

Jim O'Donnell  (odjljl@ncnets.net)
Onslow County N.C.