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Re: Snipe or Woodcock?/B.Owls :-)

Mike S. wrote:
This morning at Mason Farm, in addition to the usual winter birds, two
of us were treated to a ~30sec. flight of a very long billed, round
bodied bird that never made a sound. We both got the bird solidly in our
binoculars and were able to each keep it there for the duration of it's
rather slow but erratic flight. At the time, we both individually
decided that it was an American Woodcock. .....
Since then, I've been looking in some other guides, and think that the
shape was perhaps more like a Common Snipe.

in my experience during daylight Snipe generally flush when they
hear you coming through the grass (although I usually think of their flight as quite quick), whereas Woodcock often wait 'til the last possible moment, virtually flushing right from under you.

Had a small flock of C.Waxwings at the UNC Arboretum this Sat. and making the Holidays even
merrier, today Mrs. Barred Owl finally appeared in her favorite Holly tree on campus quad.
The ice storm did lots of damage to the quad but luckily the Owls' nest tree and favorite
roost trees remain intact.
Finding a real paucity of woodland passerines around lately relative to 5
or more yrs. ago -- curious if the CBCs might reflect that?

**Rob Gluck......... Chapel Hill, NC........... thrush@hotmail.com

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