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Re: Snipe or Woodcock?

Michael Swaim wrote:

> ~30sec. flight of a very long billed, round
> bodied bird that never made a sound. We both got the bird solidly in our
> binoculars and were able to each keep it there for the duration of it's
> rather slow but erratic flight. At the time, we both individually
> decided that it was an American Woodcock. After it landed silently in
> the long grasses to be forever lost again,

That description fits much more to Snipe than to Woodcock (very long bill,
erratic flight) but not for 100%. Comparing to Snipe, Woodcock has
distinctly wider and rounded wings.
Today I had on my window feeder the best bird ever - Brown-headed Nuthatch,
so cute from a one foot distance!


Michal Skakuj  Ph.D.
4600 University Drive apt. 1312
Durham, NC 27707
phone:        919 402 9961
mobile phone: 919 599 3040