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Ft. Fisher birding -- Dec. 28

	I decided to spend Saturday at the Ft. Fisher area, and hearing about
the Cave Swallow at Carolina Beach Lake earlier in the week, I made sure
I stopped by the lake on the way back. 

I saw nothing really exciting, though I saw a few things that would be
good Christmas count birds for the upcoming weekend. 

At the tip of Federal Point, there was an adult Green Heron at the boat
ramp. I'd never seen this species in winter in an open setting -- always
around a sheltered pond or creek. There were many Orange-crowned
Warblers in the shrubs in the area, such as around the Aquarium. I saw 3
Loggerhead Shrikes at different spots -- the dry spoil area next to the
ferry landing, at the Museum grounds, and near the National Guard
residence area. From the spoil area, I saw an adult Bald Eagle over the
marsh behind the Museum; it was harassed by a Northern Harrier.

The ocean was flat, but other than the usual flock of Buffleheads off
the rocks, it was mostly just the two loon species. (The King Eider is
dead -- now at the Museum of Natural Sciences, I hear -- unless there
was a second one.) I saw 2 Red Knots among the Sanderlings on the beach.

I searched hard among the Eastern Bluebirds for anything out of the
ordinary, but found nothing. Lots of Red-headed Woodpeckers still in the
live oak grove by the museum. 

At the Carolina Beach Lake, there were no swallows. The Cave Swallow
from Dec. 25 and 27 was nowhere to be seen. But, I saw two male
Redheads, which if they would stay would be nice for the Wilmington
count. This was as close and nice a view of that species as I've ever
had. The lake had plenty of Lesser Scaups, and assorted other things
(PBG, coots, Ruddy Duck, Hooded Merganser, etc.). 

I finished the day walking all over Carolina Beach SP, mostly simply
taking trails I hadn't worked before, looking mostly at vegetation, etc.
Harry LeGrand
NC Natural Heritage Program
1615 MSC
Raleigh, NC 27699-1615
(919) 715-8687 (work)
FAX: 919-715-3085
e-mail: harry.legrand@ncmail.net