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Hawk/songbird interactions

This morning while putting out birdseed at just before sunrise the sky
cast a very beautiful red/orange glow on the bare trees(especially the
reflected glow on exposed wood of broken branches as a result of the ice
storm).  There were a few birds just starting to stir closer for their
morning breakfast.  Then I noticed that the Cooper's Hawk was sitting
high up in the old Black Cherry tree at the rear of our fence line. 
Things stayed quiet for a while as the hawk who seemed to be admiring
the colors too (Ok, maybe a little anthropomorphizing) as he faced
mostly east scanning for his breakfast also. 

After about 20 minutes though the regular assortment of ground and other
feeders came out, seemingly ignoring the hawk since he stayed quiet in
the tree.  The first to appear were the Chickidees and Titmouses who
always seem to be the boldest in acquiring seeds even when we are close
by outside. The Brown-headed and White-breasted nuthatches likewise.

Mouning Doves started landing and sitting in higher branches above the
hawk and finally 3 Bluejays came in very close and squawked and
generally harassed him,one even taking a dive bomb flight within a few
Eventually the hawk had enough and flew away, headed for a dove but
veering off,proceeded into some oaks on the other side of my neighbors
yard. I'm sure he will eventually find his protein elsewhere in the

I would like to wish everybody on this listserver a happy and contented
new year(we need one) and thank everybody who posts their observations
and enthusiastic joy for wildlife on this site.  Thanks to Will Cook for
hosting this listserver.

Jules Fraytet