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Re: Snipe or Woodcock

Thanks to all who replied both offline and on list. I believe that it 
was probably a Wilson's Snipe, but given that I didn't know enough to 
properly identify it in the field, it'll remain a question mark. I'll 
definitely be looking for these in the future. Here all this time I 
thought "going on a snipe hunt" was a joke ;-). 

One thing that was lots easier to ID after the fact was our "abnormally 
large mice".  They were most probably meadow voles since they had 
rounded faces, relatively long hair and very small ears. Perhaps that 
accounts for all the bobcat scat. I've seen a bobcat out there, once and 
sadly, only once. (Nov. 2000)

Thanks for the input,
Mike Swaim
wandering Orang