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Huntington Beach Birding

Jack Peachey, Dave Gustafson and myself spent a little time this afternoon
birding at Huntington Beach State Park in Georgetown County, SC.  The only
areas birded were the causeway, Mullet Pond, the carriage path and the area
around the park headquarters.  Even so, several species were seen including
the following:

1. Red-winged Blackbird
2. Rusty Blackbird (19, in and under live oaks by park headquarters)
3. Bufflehead
4. Northern Cardinal
5. Gray Catbird
6. Carolina Chickadee
7. American Coot
8. Double-crested Cormorant
9. Brown Creeper (seen by Jack)
10. American Crow
11. Short-billed Dowitcher
12. Ruddy Duck
13. Dunlin
14. Bald Eagle
15. Great Egret
16. Gadwall
17. Boat-tailed Grackle
18. Common Grackle
19. Pied-billed Grebe
20. Bonaparte's Gull
21. Herring Gull
22. Ring-billed Gull
23. Great Blue Heron
24. Tricolored Heron
25. Blue Jay
26. Belted Kingfisher
27. Golden-crowned Kinglet
28. Ruby-crowned Kinglet
29. Hooded Merganser
30. Northern Mockingbird
31. Common Moorhen
32. Black-crowned Night-Heron
33. Brown Pelican
34. Eastern Phoebe
35. Black-bellied Plover
36. Semipalmated Plover
37. Redhead
38. American Robin
39. Greater Scaup (at least 1 male and 1 female)
40. Lesser Scaup
41. Forster's Tern
42. Hermit Thrush
43. Tufted Titmouse
44. Eastern Towhee
45. Blue-headed Vireo
46. Turkey Vulture
47. Yellow-rumped Warbler
48. American Wigeon
49. Willet
50. Pileated Woodpecker
51. Red-bellied Woodpecker
52. Carolina Wren
53. Greater Yellowlegs
54. Lesser Yellowlegs

Good Birding!
Ritch Lilly
Myrtle Beach, SC