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Forsyth Audubon January Activities

Hello, Carolinabirders!  The Audubon Society of Forsyth County has a
full calendar of January activities, and you are most welcome to join
in!  Unfortunately our website is not updated with specifics so if you
have any questions you may e-mail me directly.  Hope to see some of you
this month!

January 11 - Second Saturday Birdwalk - Salem Lake.  "Salem Lake is at
its best as a birding spot in the dead of winter, when a variety of
ducks shows up.  Loons, grebes, and gulls, possibly including
Bonaparte's, are also a possibility.  Meet in the main parking area at
9:00 a.m."  [You will find directions on our website.  Go to
http://www/forsythaudubon.org.  Click on "birding spots".  You'll see a
map.  Click on #5 - Salem Lake.]

January 18 - Third Saturday Field Trip - Greensboro Lakes:  (Joint Trip
with the Piedmont Bird Club.)  Meet at Lake Higgins Marina at 9:00 a.m.
We'll check out Lake Higgins (home to nesting Bald Eagles), then caravan
to several other lakes and birdy areas of Greensboro.  This is mostly a
driving tour with not much walking.  Scopes very useful.  Dress in
layers and be prepared for chilly winds blowing across lakes.  Bring a
sandwich and something to drink - we will not be near any restaurants.

January 24 - 26 - Winter Field Trip to Chincoteague, Virginia.

January 28th - Chapter Meeting at SciWorks:  Social time beginning at
7:00 p.m.  Meeting begins at 7:30 p.m.  Our speaker will be Dr. Erich
Jarvis of the Department of Neurobiology at Duke University Medical
Center.  He will discuss the evolution of vocal learning in birds,
particularly in the hummingbirds, parrots and songbirds.  He will
specifically focus on what hummingbird brains have that are special and
similar with other vocal learning birds and with humans.  He will also
discuss behaviors in which they use their learned vocalizations.


Ann Robertson
Winston-Salem, NC