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Charlotte birding query

Dear Charlotte Birders:

I am girding my loins for an appearance at the INS office in Charlotte this
week and am thinking of compensating for this with some birding in your
area. I know there is a website (by Judy Walker) on local birding hot spots
but was hoping that some of you might be able to give me more to-the-minute
information on where to go at this time of year. Here are three main
questions I have:

Will lake Don Howell be good for waterfowl right now or would you head to
some other hotspot ( I am especially interested in Canvsback and Redhead)?

A few months ago Carolinabirds had a thread about some great
prairie/grassland restoration area near Charlotte. What and where was this
and would it be worth checking out for any wintering sparows? (Please send

Any Longleaf Pine type habitats with Red Cockaded Woodpeckers in your area?

Please let me know privately, and thanks in advance.

Shantanu Phukan
Chapel Hill