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Huntington Beach S.P. birds on 1/16

At least two Cave Swallows were still present on
Thursday 1/16 at Huntington Beach State Park (Mullet
Pond) in SC.  Lex Glover and I observed them
(including great views of perched birds) from about
10:15am until 11:00ish.    Also still at HBSP, the
Long-tailed Duck allowed close looks from the paved
jetty.  A drake Common Goldeneye was in Sandpiper Pond
near the beach parking lot at 11:20am. Half a dozen
Redhead were also still in Mullet Pond.

Someone should trap/shoot/remove the darned Mute Swans
from Mullet Pond -- we watched them attack and chase
away any waterfowl larger than ducks and also harass
the ducks.  Forget seeing any Tundra Swans or Geese in
Mullet Pond while those non-native scourges are
around.  They even attacked and drove away D.C.
Cormorants and a Pelican from Mullet Pond.

If any bleeding hearts think otherwise, check out:
www.cnn.com/TECH/science/9807/08/swan.bullies/ and
Mute swans are not federally protected and those who
know "what's up" want them eliminated from North

Nathan Dias  Charleston, SC (native)

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