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pond report

the lack of number of ducks on the pond and the total lack of coots was
overshadowed by quality.  For the second time in the years I have been
monitoring the pond, I had a mature bald eagle and this time he/she
provided drama of going after the small mixed flock of ring necked ducks,
Am Widgeon (6) males, Hooded merg (6) males with their mates, one grebe,
and several mallards.  The males are splendid in the green this year,
perhaps it was the light.  Any way, the eagle swooped low over the water
and up came all the ducks, the eagle did not make a big attempt to catch
anything and finally went off on a thermal, other highlights were a very
vocal Great Blue heron and a display of territoriality between two male
mute swans.  Although I hate to report them on the pond, they are there and
today a young looking pair(not brilliant white and not orange orange bill)
flew in, what a sound the wind makes in their wings.  At first things were
peaceful but soon the presumed mature male spread out its wings and paddled
at top speed towards the interloping pair.  the interlopers flew off a ways
and the male also landed in a small patch of ice free water, not satisfied
at his ability to make the young pair leave, he made like an ice breaker
and pushed through the ice, again spread out his wings and made for the
pair.  By this time I was getting cold so left them fighting over the pond.
 The young pair seem to make a call like a hiccup, high in tone, so I guess
they aren't really mute.  I might add that the eagle did not disturb the
swans nor the pair of Canadas on the pond.  Also seen was a rt hawk and an
accipter perhaps Cooper's just based on size.  On the way back I heard and
saw a flock of Red winged Black birds, mature and immature males.  Loud
bunch.  Blue birds and lots of WT sp round out the list except for a head
on view of a kestral.  Where it came from, I have no idea but it was
zooming towards me at eye(horse) level.  A cold but great day for birds. 
Pond is in NE Orange co.  In hillsborough, I got to see the ruby of the rc
kinglet walking to the mail box, I always consider this good luck to see
the red.  barb brooks  Hillsborough, nc  brooksba@mindspring.com

--- Barbara Brooks
--- brooksba@mindspring.com
   Hillsborough, NC
--- EarthLink: The #1 provider of the Real Internet.