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yard birds

I have a very old large apple tree that hangs over my deck, it is a magnet for woodpeckers (along with the 4 suet feeders) . Today I had 3 Downy's, 1 Red Bellied, and 2 Sapsucker's all in the tree at the same time.

Summary of my yard birds(backyard plus fields) during the past 3 snow covered days. (Highest counts came morning after snow) No Blackbirds. Have only been visited once this winter by a group of 9 Cowbirds. House Finches scarce the past week. No Purple Finches since Christmas.

Red-tail Hawk -1 Sharpie - 1 Turkey Vulture-1 Common Crow - 3 Towhee -2 C.Wren - 2 Cardinal -7 (one female missing all tail feathers) Wh Throat Sparrow - 19 Junco- 17 Goldfinch - 12 M Dove - 10 Chip Sparrow - 9 Song Sparrow - 5 Fox Sparrow - 1 Field Sparrow - 1 Downy WP - 4 Hairy WP - 1 Red Br WP - 2 N Flicker - 3 Sapsucker - 2 White Br Nuthatch - 5 T Titmouse - 4 Carolina Chickadee - 3 Winter Wren - 1 Hermit Thrush - 1 Pine Warbler - 3 Yellow-rump - 2 House Finch - 1 E Phoebe - 2 Ruby Cr Kinglet - 3 Robin - 2 E. Bluebird - 2

Peace and Happiness
Brian T. Murphy   www.mindspring.com/~brmurphy
Science Dept.
Millbrook High School    http://mhs.wcpss.net
        AP Environmental Science   http://mhsapes.home.mindspring.com
          Physical Science  http://mhsps.home.mindspring.com
          Outdoor Adventure Club  http://mhsoac.home.mindspring.com
Raleigh, NC, USA