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Re: Wall Street Journal article

I saw Bill Hilton's post about the Wall Street Journal article very soon
after I had thrown out my printout of the online article (I had a lot of
time to clean off my desk while waiting to speak with Gateway tech support,

Based on  a quick glance at the link that Kent Fiala posted  --
http://www.lauraerickson.com/Birds/Conservation/WSJDistortions1.html  --
indicates that Laura Erickson quoted exactly the points from James Sterba's
article that she wished to rebut (I mean no disrespect, but she would not be
the first person in history to quote only part of something.).  However,
I've recovered my printout from the wastebasket, in case anyone would like
to see the actual article in its entirety.  I initially read the WSJ article
after my husband told me about, quickly dismissed it for reasons that are
strictly my own (i.e., non-scientific, doubtless anthropomorphizing, etc.),
but I did take the time to check out the online version in case anyone else
was interested in reading it.  (I think I did this before the digest version
of CarolinaBirds was available, when I felt comfortable posting to
CarolinaBirds, being a "recreational" birder rather than someone with
scientific knowledge.  I suspect that I need to revert to receiving the
non-digest version, as I'm having a lot of trouble sorting out the posts
from the signature lines, but I'm sure that's just something I need to tweak
in MS Outlook  --  "ya can drag us Netscape Messenger users to MS Outlook,
but ya can't make us think"!)

I'll see if I can re-access the WSJ archives for that article, as I think
that only subscribers can access it.  (In any event, I still have the
"recovered" printout; no date or time appeared on the printout, but the
header is 12/27/02.)

Anne Lurie
NE Raleigh