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CBBT trip

Hi folks,
The North Banks Bird Club birded the Chesapeake Bay
Bridge Tunnel saturday and found the following: 2
Common Eiders (restaurant island and island 4), dozens
of Long-tailed Ducks, hundreds of Surf and Black
Scoters, a few White-winged Scoters, a Common
Goldeneye, a Redhead, hundreds of Scaup, Ruddy Ducks,
Buffleheads, Great Cormorants, Purple Sandpipers...
If anyone heads that way, please look for the female
Goldeneye on island 4. The closer I got to home
saturday, the more like a Barrow's it started to look
in my mind. I wish I had taken a closer look at the
bill. There were very few gulls present.
Jeff Lewis
Manteo, NC

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