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Goose Killing

Hi Folks,

As unpleasant a subject as this is, I do feel it is very appropriate as a topic for discussion on this listserve - beyond the obvious fact that this story does involve a bird in Carolina.  By the way, I've heard the bird identified in news reports both as a domestic goose and a Canada Goose.  Does anyone know for sure which it was?  Actually it doesn't matter, either way for a group of people to think it is fun, adventuresome, entertaining, or in any way acceptable to beat an animal to death shows an old attitude is still around.  There is a segment of our society that feels that nature exists only for their immediate benefit with no regard or forethought to any consequences.  In an era when the environment is suffering from a host of ills - pollution, loss of wilderness and so forth - this old attitude prevents these ills from being fully and effectively addressed.  And to see this attitude among a group of young people does not bode well for the future.  This effects every birder on this listserve as our hobby is being directly and negatively impacted.  I am currently watching with sadness as one of my favorite nearby spots to watch migrating warblers is bulldozed to make way for yet more development.      

Tim Gamble